Rijeka Doctoral Conference is intended for doctoral candidates who wish to present and test their preliminary research findings before academics and practicing lawyers, as well as to discuss these findings with their peers.

It is limited to topics of lawRIDOC_image or closely related to law, including of course European family law. RIDOC 2016 will be held on 2 December 2016 at the University of Rijeka Faculty of Law.

Details about the conference and call for papers are available on the Pravri official website and are reported below.

About RIDOC 2016

Aim of the Conference

Rijeka Doctoral Conference is intended for doctoral candidates who wish to present and test their preliminary research findings before academics and practicing lawyers, as well as to discuss these findings with their peers. Eligible speakers are those enrolled in a doctorate study or a doctoral school on the day of the deadline for applications. The topic of their doctoral dissertation has to be in the field of law or other field provided the topic is closely related to law. The conference language is English. Testing your hypothesis and discussing your arguments helps to make them more precise, logical, sophisticated and convincing.

Conference Programme

The conference will commence with introductory lectures by renowned experts to discuss issues of methodology, writing, academic standards and copyright relevant to the doctoral research and writing. The core of the conference – the doctoral candidates’ presentations – will be organised in several sessions chaired by recognised academics and practitioners in law. Lunch and refreshments at coffee breaks will be provided by the organiser.

Programme Committee

Andra Cotiga-Raccah (Catholic University Lille), Edita Čulinović-Herc (University of Rijeka), Tommaso Dalla Massara (University of Verona), Mihail Danov (University of Leeds), Ivana Kunda (University of Rijeka), Eduard Kunštek (University of Rijeka), Saša Prelič (University of Maribor), Tibor Tajti (Central European University), Mirela Župan (J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek).

Call for Papers


The application has to contain the title of the topic and an abstract of approximately 500 words, the applicant’s CV in Europass format, brief data on the institution and the doctorate study/school the applicant is enrolled in and the applicant’s mentor. The deadline for applications is 25 September 2016.


All applications are subject to review by the Programme Committee composed of recognised academics originating from various European countries. The results of the review will be communicated to the applicants by 25 October 2016.


Accepted papers will be presented at the conference on 2 December 2016. The candidate earning the highest grade in each session will have the opportunity to offer her/his paper for publication in the Collected Papers of the Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka.

RIDOC 2016: Rijeka Doctoral Conference