On 8 June 2017, the Court of Justice of the European Union (the CJEU) rendered a judgment in case C-111/17 OL v PQ which further clarifies the concept of the child habitual residence, the issue which has already been dealt
The final training session “Dealing with International Child Abduction Cases” organised as a part of the project “EU Judiciary Training on Brussels IIa Regulation: From South to East”, took place at the University of Milano-Bicocca on
In Italia il Senato approva una mozione unitaria che istituisce una task force ministeriale per il contrasto alla sottrazione internazionale di minori
In data 14 Aprile 2016, il Senato della Repubblica ha approvato due atti di indirizzo che riguardano misure di contrasto alla sottrazione internazionale di minori: l’ordine del giorno unitario n. 1 e la mozione n. 552 (Testo 2) La sottrazione internazionale
Milan, 8-9 June: Judicial Training on International Child Abduction
On Thursday 8th and Friday 9th of June the University of Milano-Bicocca will organize and host a training session which is part of the project “EU Judiciary Training on Brussels IIa Regulation: from South to East”, cofounded by the EU
Two videos on international child abduction from BBC and European Commission
We share two videos made by Shoot You (a London based video production company, specialising in business communications) for BBC Studios & Post Production on behalf of the European Commission, on mediating disputes on children’s living conditions after a parental breakup and to
A four-volume set on European family law by Jens M. Scherpe
Edward Elgar Publishing published a four-volume set ‘European Family Law’ by Jens M. Scherpe, University Senior Lecturer from the University of Cambridge and Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, UK. The set consists of the three edited books and
The Economist focusing on International Child Abduction
Both the on-line and the printed issue of The Economist (February,18th 2017), devote a long and well-argued article to the increasing plague of International Child Abduction. Multi-national families are often facing hard battles to avoid (in the best cases) or
The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights decides in the Paradiso Campanelli case: there was no violation of article 8
On the 27 of January the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg rendered the FINAL DECISION on the sensitive issue of surrogate motherhood, examining the case of the Italian spouses Paradiso and Campanelli. The facts are
Spain – On the use of mediation for the enforcement of a return order of children in a child abduction case
The decision of the Provincial Court (Audiencia Provincial) of Barcelona nº 573/2013 of 1 October 2013, though rendered some years ago, outstands as it considers the use of mediation in the enforcement of a child return order in a child
In June 2016 the Advocate General Melchior Wathelet issued his opinion in Child and Family Agency (CAFA) v. J. D. (Case C‑428/15) – a case concerning Article 15 of Brussels II bis Regulation. In this opinion, the Advocate General suggested