C. Honorati (ed.), Jurisdiction in Matrimonial Matters, Parental Responsibility and International Abduction. A Handbook on the Application of Brussels IIa Regulation in National Courts, Torino, Giappichelli, ISBN 9788892112254, 2017. The book provides an overview of the recent legal literature and case
Trainees evaluate judicial trainings in Vilnius as excellent
On 21-22 September, the final trainings on the Regulation Brussels II bis took place in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. The event was held in National Courts Administration and was organized by the team of Law Institute of Lithuania. The
Final judicial trainings on Regulation Brussels II bis – next week in Vilnius
On 21-22 September, the final trainings on the Regulation Brussels II bis shall be held in Vilnius. The trainings will cover questions on jurisdiction and parental responsibility matters. The event is organized by the Law Institute of Lithuania under the
4-5 July, Barcelona: Training on Jurisdiction in matrimonial and parental responsibility matters
On Thursday 4th and Friday 5th of July the University of Barcelona together with the Judiciary School of the Spanish Judiciary Council will organise and the latter will host a training session which is part of the project “EU Judiciary
Report from the training session in Rijeka 20-21 April 2017
The first training session in 2017, organised as a part of the project EU Judiciary Training on Brussels IIa Regulation: From South to East, headed “Brussels II bis: Jurisdiction in parental responsibility and child abduction cases” was held at the
Rome: important conference on European Integration
Last 24th of March, for the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaties of Rome, “Roma 3 University” has organized a major conference entitling EUROPEAN INTEGRATION AND SUPRANATIONALISM. The conference began in joint session for the
Italy – The Court of Appeal of Trento recognizes the parent-child relationship between two children born to a surrogated mother and a non-biological father
On the 23 February 2017, the Court of Appeal of Trento rendered a landmark order which gave legal effect in Italy to a Canadian decision on the issue of children born from surrogacy to a same-sex couple. The children, both
Italy: Enacted the new Statute on civil Unions
Last week (on January 27) the Official Gazette of Italian Law has published the final version of a Legislative Decree (D.Lgs. 19 gennaio 2017, n. 7) which finally provides the international law rules for the regulation of civil unions. This decree
Italy – Italian Supreme Court clarifying principles about applicable law and recognition of foreign decisions in divorce matters
The Italian Supreme Court (Corte Suprema di Cassazione, Sezione Prima Civile), with a decision published on the 1st of December (n. 24542/2016), has determined that the foreign judgment on divorce should be recognized in Italy although it hangs a separation
Jurisdiction on marriage annulment: can a daughter claim the annulment of the marriage of her parent after the death of one of them?
It is the first time ever that the issue of marriage annulment is the subject of a ruling of the European Court of Justice. The facts of the case are however more complex than this limited issue. On 20 November