Edward Elgar Publishing published a four-volume set ‘European Family Law’ by Jens M. Scherpe, University Senior Lecturer from the University of Cambridge and Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, UK. The set consists of the three edited books and a monograph. It deals with variety of issues such as marriage, divorce, parental responsibility, cohabitation, same-sex relationships, adoption, surrogacy etc.

The ‘European Family Law’ set consists of the following volumes:

Volume I: The Impact of Institutions and Organisations on European Family Law

Volume II: The Changing Concept of ‘Family’ and Challenges for Domestic Family Law

Volume III: Family Law in a European Perspective

Volume IV: The Present and Future of European Family Law


More information on the publications is available on the Edward Elgar Publishing website.

A four-volume set on European family law by Jens M. Scherpe