As we announced in a previous post, on last June 17th the Bicocca University of Milano hosted a Judicial Training on divorce and parental responsibility, which was part of the program “EU Judiciary Training on Brussels IIa Regulation: From South to East”, co-funded by the Justice Programme of the European Union. bicocca_17jun16_locandina

The event program included as speakers Prof. Costanza Honorati (University of Milano-Bicocca), Prof. Maria Caterina Baruffi (University of Verona), Prof. Carola Ricci (University of Pavia), Prof. Mirela Zupan (University J. J. Strossmayer of Osijek), Dr. Danijela Vrbljanac (Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka), Prof. Cristina Gonzales Beilfuss (University of Barcelona), Dr. Marta Tarragona Fenosa (University of Barcelona), Dr. Agne Limante (Law Institute of Lithuania).

The training began with a warming up session led by Professors Maria Caterina Baruffi and Carola Ricci refreshing the floor with the basic understanding of the Regulation, its relation to the different EU acts on judiciary cooperation and other fundamental topics.
The training then moved to the crucial issues of habitual residence and hearing of the child, as presented by prof. Mirela Zupan and Dr. Danijela Vrbljanac. Some practical cases were offered the floor and discussion was opened as to possible solutions.
After a short break for a quick lunch the workshop was resumed with more cases on the hearing of the child. A very hot topic that arose the interest of all and stirred great discussion.
Further on, Professors Costanza Honorati and Marica Baruffi took over the subject of prorogation of jurisdiction and agreement on jurisdiction, again offering some theoretical principles and the occasion to apply the same to some practical cases that were discussed together.
Finally, transfer of proceedings has been tackled by Professor Costanza Honorati: a very delicate topic where cooperation among judiciary deserves a special attention. UK cases related to the much debated issue of ‘forced adoption’ of minors who are citizen of different States have been discussed with the floor.

Overall the training has been greatly successful. The participants have had an occasion to discuss different cases among them and with the trainers and to share different views on how to offer a solution in line with the Regulation.

We share some pictures taken during the event and the related Flickr album.


Judicial Training on divorce and parental responsibility (Milano, 17/06/2016)