We are organizing the final training of the project “EU Judiciary training on Brussels II a Regulation: From South to East”, co-funded by the Justice Programme of the European Union (more information about the project: http://brussels2family.wpmu-hosting.si.unimib.it/home/chi-siamo-2/).

  • The first Judicial training will be organized by the University of Rijeka on 20-21 of April 2017 and will focus on Divorce and Parental Responsibility.
  • The second one will be held at the University of Milano-Bicocca at the end of May/beginning of June 2017. This training will focus on Hearing of the child and on International Child Abduction.
  • Subsequently, the Law Institute of Lithuania will host a judicial training on the same issue in June 2017.
  • The last training planned by this project will be held at the University of Barcelona on 4-5 July 2017. This fourth meeting will be on Divorce and Parental Responsibility.

Training is achieved through discussion of real cases – drawn from EU member States and ECJ case law – that will be distributed among participants and solved together, under the guidance of highly qualified trainers. This advanced training will be targeted to a selected group of judges and lawyers. Working on real and particularly complex cases may be useful in order to discuss and exchange views about the problems and solutions of this matter. The result is a cross-training event, that should be really interesting for all participants.

For more information keep in touch:

-University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy): Costanza.honorati@unimib.it
– Law Institute of Lithuania (Vilnius): Agne.limante@gmailcom
– University of Rijeka (Croatia): Ikunda@pravri.it
– University of Barcelona (Spain): Cristinag.beilfuss@cgpj.es

Work in progress and… Save the date!